History of creation

Jean Monnet Chair “Social and Cultural Aspects of European Studies”

Jean Monnet Chair “Social and Cultural Aspects of European Studies” 620635-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR

The term of the project is 01.11.2020 – 01.08.2023

Project website

Today, there is a growing understanding of the need to promote European integration and EU research more enthusiastically and broadly; and also build networks with colleagues in Ukraine and abroad. Therefore, it goes without saying that the main goal of the project is extremely relevant for Ukraine.

In-depth teaching in European Union studies, embodied in the official program of a higher education institution in the EU, and which is the basis for the future poles of European knowledge, especially in the partner countries, requires:

  • to teach students who do not specifically study European problems (management, inclusive pedagogy, agricultural management, etc.), to attract the younger generation of researchers.
  • to hold joint web conferences and/or a round table for educators from Ukraine and the EU (Italy, Belgium, etc.), which will enable Ukrainian educators and education managers to gain professional experience in the field of social innovations in education (solidarity, inclusion, community-based education and value for the enrichment of the higher pedagogical system in Ukraine and, accordingly, civil society. Also, internal experts from the EU (Italy) will hold a webinar on the topic of European educational policy in the field of social innovation and inclusion. It will help to share Italy’s experience in functioning in the implementation of European principles and standards of inclusion and general values in the system of higher education.