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Project website

Project duration: 30 October 2020 – 29 October 2021

EU funding instrument: EU-funded ERASMUS+ Programme, Jean Monnet, with the support of the European Neighbourhood Instrument

Target groups: university students, HEI teachers, school teachers

Grant holder/Project Coordinator:

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University        

Manager: Prof. Marja Nesterova

contacts: +380503113435


Partnership: (if available)

         University Genoa(Italy)

         University Zilina (Slovakia)

         IHE Academy of Pedagogy Sciences Ukraine

         NULES

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

         Sumy National Agrarian University

         Melytopol State Pedagogical University

Project goals and objectives:

The project’s goals are:

1.         To research the core issues of EU studies concerning EU values and how to implement them in to the Ukrainian educational system (first of all in a sphere of higher education) for sustainable civil society development.

2.         To increase the practical dissemination of EU values in HEIs by the way of discussing and enhancing the values awareness, value-based human potential development, enhancing the diversity and inclusion inside HEI’s communities and transferring this practice as well as corporate social responsibility and social engagement of HEIs in the community, region, state for the joint sustainable development and supporting policy reform.

The project’s objectives are:

         exchange of knowledge about the EU and its values;

         exchange of opinions about the correspondence of the EU and national values between representatives of different EU member-states and neighbouring countries;

 mutual learning from exchange of knowledge about the methodologies for surveying and exploring national and EU values;

         mutual learning from exchange of knowledge about the methodologies for teaching values at the secondary school and higher education.  


         Study visits including workshops in EU countries

         Value survey and methodology of monitoring of EU values in education

         Conference and Summer School to be organized

         Conducting of teaching activities (trainings and virtual teaching classes)

Expected results:

         The intense and heated discussion is expected to take place among Ukrainian educators; in addition to educators, the project will involve into the discussion (researchers and experts (e.g. political scientists, lawyers, theologists, psychologists etc.), civic activists, politicians, students and their parents, other interested parties. 

         Representatives of 2 pedagogical (teacher training) universities will be involved in the above discussion, increasing the number of discussants to students and teaching staff.  2 universities of environmental sciences (NULES and SNAU) will add the wider social context of value-based sustainable development paradigm.

         The third important content element that this project will explore, discuss, promote and disseminate will be the methodology for researching values among the population of the EU member-states, as well as Ukraine.

         The international research workshop will initiate the presentation by different experts of methodologies used for surveying values in this or that EU member-state and the EU values in general; Ukrainian scholars and research will present the methodologies that they use.